Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

National Assembly for Wales

Bil Awtistiaeth (Cymru) drafft

Draft Autism (Wales) Bill

Llythyr Ymgynghori DAB36

Consultation Letter DAB36

Ymateb gan Adran Gofal Cymdeithasol Oedolion Wrecsam

Evidence from Wrexham Adult Social Care Department

Please refer to questions in the Consultation Letter.




Yes.  Autism is a spectrum and people may also have an associated Learning Disability or other health condition.  People do not have a single set of traits or symptoms.  How each person communicates and relates to others and how they make sense of the World around them is personal and support should be tailored to individual needs.


Yes. Research suggests that neurodevelopmental physical and sensory disorders may be more prevalent amongst people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.


Yes, the health care pathway impacts on the post diagnosis social care support and this requires shared responsibility.


We believe a partnership/collaborative approach would lead to better outcomes and achievement of targets.


We accept your advice that Autism Strategy should be written within 6 months of the bill becoming law.


We think 3 months is too short especially if the guidance is going to be co-produced.


Awareness raising and training is important


We support access to timely assessment and diagnosis


In our view this is an aspirational target.  We anticipate capacity and training issues. .  We support an integrated approach including contributions from all relevant professionals for example health, Adult Social Care, Children and family services, Housing and education and also the emergency services


Assessment is not being done to but with support and facilitated by professionals. Positive ‘What Matters’ conversations with the person, focusing on strengths, and natural support and involving families/carers in planning and developing a personalised integrated plan, should be encouraged and supported.


Citizen Voice and Control is a key theme in the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014.  We therefore recommend that advocacy should be available.   Education and Careers Wales


Parents have told us that they have experienced problems getting a referral for assessment.

Some adults are not identified or diagnosed during childhood.

People with low level needs may not meet the thresholds for care and support.

There is an identified gap for Low level community support for adults with Autism who may not be eligible for social care but have support requirements.


In general but this is subject to change.  Ideally there should be more consistency in respect to methods and types of data collected by health and Social Care.


We are currently waiting for guidance on the updating of social care data to be finalised.


In the guidance


a) Yes

b) Yes


We would recommend a three year cycle based on an annual development plan.  Ideas include Information, advice and advocacy could be enhanced by using volunteers and promoting a training the trainer scheme


a) Accessible in a range of formats

b) Lack of awareness can lead to discrimination and harassment

Knowledge and skills to support people with Autism into employment and encourage employers to make reasonable adjustments

Raise awareness of specific needs for example high functioning Asperger’s Syndrome.


d) If Autism isn’t addressed, a person may reach crisis leading to more intensive and expensive interventions.

Prevention and demand reduction. Supporting people to build their capacity and create new opportunities in the community.


We welcome the draft bill and believe that it is a positive measure.